Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Getting old

It has been brewing in my mind lately about how fast time flys. I feel like an adult, how scary is that? I felt I should share some of my thoughts...

1. Our 10 year high school reunion is this year.
2. The music in American Eagle is really too loud.
3. The smell of Abercrombie cologne wafting out of the store makes me sick.
4. I hate the mall. Too many hoodlums.
5. I don't understand Rap music anymore. WTF? I am an OG foo' and I don't understand what they are saying.
5. If you don't know what OG means, then you are old too.
6. Rap music: what the hell is a Stanky Leg dance?
7. I don't enjoy hardly anything on the radio.
8. Songs from my youth are playing on the classic rock station. Yes. It's true.
9. My little brother is not little anymore.
10. All my friends are parents.
11. Retirement is a big concern.
12. I repeat everything my mother used to say.
13. I realize that my parents were always right and they are human too.
14. I enjoy watching the Presidental Election and public broadcasts.
15. People call me Ma'am at work.

Okay, I could go on but that will do for now. I'll add more to this as it is noticed in my daily routine. Please feel free to leave any of your own encounters.


  1. Don't act like you're not familiar with the Stanky Leg Dance! Just kidding - we are getting old.

  2. HAHA, thats funny! Finally a blog from someone who isn't concerned with making it "Family Friendly" or whatever...

    Oh and Courtney don't pretend you know anything about the stanky leg!!!!
