Friday, March 19, 2010

39 Weeks

Okay, I suck. I have no motivation for anything anymore. I just slug around the house, doing laundry and such. I have energy, or the want to do stuff...but honestly I cannot breathe through my nose at ALL and if I can't breathe through my nose; I can't sleep. Period. I sleep like maybe 3-4 hours a night all in 1 hour intervals. I seriously think I will get more sleep with a newborn.

7 days to go. I am super excited and so ready to have him. I go to the doctor tomorrow, I wonder what he will say. Last week I was 60% efaced and dilated to a 1. I have had a ton of hard contractions and a little "false" labor so I would think I have progressed significantly.

We shall see.

I promise I will post pics soon, although it will probably be after I have little man. (btw, we do have some names but we are waiting until he is born so we can see what he looks like first) Our laptop is packed in our hospital bag and I am on a different computer currently. I have some giant belly pics to post...I'm huge.

Okay, signing off for now...having a seriously hard contraction. Cross your fingers!!

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